Library & Museum

Museums and libraries have a unique role as the primary stewards of culture and heritage and, with this, a profound responsibility for ensuring that future generations have access to original materials. Libraries and museums are provided to look for accurate, scholarly.

The importance of a Library and a Museum with a Art Gallery in the fields of education,  science, and technology was assessed and the Library & Gallery was established in 2011 January. While museums and libraries as distinct entities may have equally distinct approaches to dealing with issues, they also have common ground to stand on 
as organizations in the public trust and for the public good. 

Museum and Library was incorporated as a a educational ideas and practices in the rural educational system. Situations and circumstances that are already beginning to have an impact on museums and libraries and  action is needed. Much of our attempt is focused on changing conceptions of relating to  audience, tools and modes of communication, knowledge transfer, information exchange and professional practice.

If you wish to donate books or educational materials like DVD, CD, Book Stands for display etc kindly contact us

Al Ikhlas Library & Museum
Time: 11 am - 4 pm ( Mon - Fri)
Address: Ajmer 305001 ( Rajasthan)
Contact: :