Round Table Discussion on Character Assassination

Press Release/ 19-03-2016/ Ajmer Rajasthan /:-The 3rd GPM Session took off with the burning topic of character assassination attempt as a deep sea of all evil in the world.

Former Vice Chancellor Kanta Ahuja of Jaipur University inaugrated the session by lighting the lamp. 

DL Tripati Vice president PUCL spoke on the various laws that is in favour of women in our country and women must speak out against the culprits to seek justice.

 Sabah Khan, Ragini Chaturvedi, Dr Sandeep Awasti,  Hasan Chishty,  Bakshish Singh, Shubhash Jain, Prerna Arora, Major Marfathiya and BRahmakumari Yogini participated in the session this morning.

The discussion on verbal abuse and emotional abuse in relationships was discussed which  is on the rise, and the psychological damage it inflicts can be crippling. Sometimes with no hitting  involved yet the subtle put-downs, the physical avoidance, the mocking is  emotional abuse. Emotional abuse is a behavior and language designed to degrade or humiliate someone by attacking their self-value or personality. There are many women who are victims of emotional abuse said Gulsha Begum President Global Peace Mission

Dr Ravi Bhatnagar expressed his concern on how the law is misused by women most times with frivolous lawsuits against the men. He stressed that Character Assassination and Abuse is not on any one gender rather it's experienced with both genders. 

Dr Pam Erickson highlighted on the need of imparting  sex education to bring awareness among the youth to bring about a change in the future generations. 

Dr Sandeep Awasti highlighted the importance of events within our country and how women raped  will have to struggle for action against the culprits. The system is too laid back or too much under pressure from higher authorities to not register most cases. Sadly this is the state of affairs in our country. 

However the discussion was concluded by ms Begum on the solutions for all the unrest in the world was to turn towards spirituality. She said Spirituality teaches us to be the most powerful tool which allows us to negate all the unrest within us and in turn a better world is possible. The world cannot change unless each one takes to strict moral and virtues which alone can bring peace inside and outside. spirituality teaches us patience and tolerance in a world where one is assaulted mentally or physically. spirituality teaches us to seek justice from the universe when every other worldly system fails to give justice. Silience and faith is the greatest weapon in the world.

The participants were honoured and the session was concluded with high tea.